Exchange rates of National Bank of Georgia and other Georgian commercial banksExchange rates of National Bank of Georgia and other Georgian commercial
Exchange Rates of National Bank of Georgia and Other Georgian Commercial Banks
Exchange Rates of National Bank of Georgia and Other Georgian Commercial Banks to/FROM Georgian Lari (Gel)
* National Bank of Georgia;
* Bank of Georgia;
* TBC Bank;
* Bank republic;
* Basis Bank.
* Bank Constanta
Additional Tools:
* Currency converter;
* Currency calculator.
Currencies: gel, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, TRY ETC.
Foreign currency rate set by the National Bank of Georgia and Commercial Banks with respect to GEL.
Daily update of courses.
* National Bank;
* Bank of Georgia;
* TBC Bank;
* Republic Bank;
* Base Bank.
* Bank Connanta
Additional Tools:
* Currency converter;
* Currency Calculator.
Currency: gel, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, TRY and more.